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Learn Vitamins

Synthetic Vs Natural Vs Whole-Food Bio-Format

Generally Marketed Vitamins are compounds or single chemicals essential in small quantities for normal growth and development of bodily functions of human. Vitamin compounds can be synthesized, in high concentrates (high potency). This is the principle followed by most supplement manufacturers, the majority of which are pharmaceutical companies. These vitamins are termed “synthetic”. (Though they can be labeled “natural” even if they come from sugar or coal tar or petroleum).

Vitamins and mineral elements are so complex, and have so many parts that are dependent upon each other, that when separated they no longer can produce a normal nutritional effect on the body. According to this theory, an overdose of any one vitamin, as it occurs with separated out or synthetic vitamins, can be hazardous to the body. Complete vitamins, with all of their parts and necessary cofactors are often termed “whole-food vitamins”, since they are derived entirely from whole foods.

A vitamin consists of “organic nutrient(s) identified not just as the vitamin, but also enzymes, coenzymes, antioxidants and trace element activators.” A vitamin complex is not simply an individual chemical or several chemicals. It must contain all factors that make up the vitamin function in its entirety.

Misleading natural Claims