Broad-spectrum plant-based Vitamins
Most “natural” vitamin supplements are chemically stripped down to a single vitamer, which are more closely related to synthetic vitamins than true plant-based vitamins. Orgavitaz offers broad spectrum plant-based vitamins. For instance, Provitamin A as Mixed Carotenoids, B12 as Total Cobalmin and Corrinoids, Vitamin E as Total mixed tocochromanols, etc..

Orgavitas offers Vitamin’s Microenvironment
Orgavitas’ naturally occurring vitamin complex exhibit a systemic relationship with Co-factors, Enzymes, transporters and other functional metabolites of the body. Microenvironment is a collection of related bio-transformative agents as plant metabolites facilitating critical bodily functions. For instance, Moringa oleifera leaf juice offers flavonoids, tannins, saponins and other alkaloids including some flavoproteins as microenvironment to its vitamins complex. Lichens metabolites facilitates hydroxylation in liver and kidney apart from offering bioactive vitamin D3 directly. Shiitake provides a great mix of dietary minerals, cobalamins and carotenoids provide a systemic food vitamin complex. Amla provides a perfect Vitamin c complex microenvironment with its other metabolites like Bioflavonoids, Rutin, Quercetin, tannins, etc.
Plant-based Solvents
Water Extraction of vitamins involves assistance of plant-based solvents for hydrolysis of vitamins. Our proprietary plant-based alternatives for organic solvents are selectively used to standardise vitamins. For Instance, Amla and Lemon for acid hydrolysis, plant-based vinegar, plant-based enzymes to represent amylases and takadiastases, etc.